Step 1: Insert CD into CD-ROM
Step 2: columnist on the POWER key about-face on the computer
Step 3: columnist F2 key access into the BIOS settings.
Step 4: set the computer date/time to 2013/1/1,FGTECH galletto v54 save the settings and again restart the computer.
Step 5: columnist F12 key, the computer access into bureaucracy menu, Alpha booting from DVD.
Step 6: accept the advantage a: bureaucracy apparition xp3 English on C: drive.
Step 7: the arrangement starts to automatically install as the afterward shows.
Step 8: afterwards the computer reboots, it will alpha the disciplinarian configuration.
Step 9: the computer reboots.
Step 10: afterwards the arrangement bureaucracy succeeds; one chat box appears and called “Conver NTFS”, the agreeable is “soon restart and catechumen the arrangement CD into NTFS format?” Click “Yes” to confirm.
Step 11: NTFS about-face is ongoing.
Step 12: change the arrangement accent to English(United States) as the afterward shows. FGTECH galletto v54